Sunday, March 23, 2014


Why oh, why do I procrastinate so much? I 'm pretty good about most things, but the novel that I'm writing is killing me. After bringing the plot to the ending, and with only one and one half chapters to go, I've come to a crashing halt.

It isn't that I don't know how to end the book -- I do. I have it all outlined and I'm so near the end, I can taste the champagne (almost). My goal to finish INTO THE FURNACE is March 31 which is only a week and a day away. Yet for the last four days I have avoided my computer as if it's keys were coated with Ebola virus. (I'm writing this on my laptop -- obviously a much healthier keyboard).

Maybe it's because the current big scene is a killer - literally. I'm killing off a bad guy in a most spectacular way. I want to kill him off. He's nasty. And the method of demise is brilliant. But...

It's puzzling to me that writers avoid doing what they love the most. I know that once I sit down and start writing, it will be okay. It's just that initial planting of the bottom on the chair cushion that stymies me.

Maybe I should disinfect the keyboard.