Sunday, January 15, 2012

String Theory for the Middle Ages

I'm becoming more and more convinced that as women age, they fall under two theories of body changes - the String theory and the Dough theory.  Some women become thin and stringy, appearing to lose mass to the point that their muscles and tendons show prominently through their skin.  At first, it's a good look - one of strength and sinewy grace.  Grace soon gives way to grotesque and you look at them and think about wasting diseases.

The other theory is just as unkind.  What were once well-defined muscles become, well, doughy.  This dough has the properties of bread dough - floppy, stretchy and pale.  One looks in the mirror and wonders at what temperature those doughy blobs would firm up again to resemble firm contours of health.  Maybe that's why so many seniors go to Arizona and Florida.  They harbor a secret hope that the heat will improve their dough.

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