Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Starting to Look Suspiciously like Almost-Spring

We have been getting little bits of snow every night that melt off in the daytime as the temperatures rise above freezing.  A couple of days ago, I took the chance that new snow cover would cancel out the ice on the trails at Lone Pine, so I grabbed my ice-walkers (just in case), my poles and hit the trail.

I was right.  There was 1 to 2 inches of fresh snow - just enough for my ice-walkers to grip and keep me upright.  I helped myself along with poles too, and felt confident enough to try the Cliff Trail - one of the steeper ways up to the top.  It was beautiful and the trail had had much less traffic, thus making it snow-packed but not slick.  The trail before me was soft and lovely and beckoned me upwards toward the top.  Below the snow, where the feet of other hikers had pushed aside the meager covering, I could see hard, black ice everywhere and I knew that once this freshest snow melted, the trails would be treacherous once more.  But for now, the walk was quiet and easy - except for that darn uphill part that made me huff and puff with exertion. 

I could see that some new foot traffic was beginning to pack the snow, so I turned off onto a side trail and was delighted to see that I was the first hiker of the day.  I thought I might see some deer, but they must have been hiding.  As I glanced around, I was astonished to see how bare the slopes were.  We have had a very dry winter and I despair for the summer when this trail will be thick with dust instead of snow. 

Another hiker and his dog finally met me just as I was beginning to see the mountains to the East.  It looked to be snowing toward Columbia Mountain and into Glacier Park.  At least if we get plenty of snow in the mountains, the fire danger will be less, even if it's dry as dust down here in the valley.

For now, however, I'll just hope that either warm weather comes soon, or the small snows continue to fall on the icy trails to help me out in my quest for exercise and enjoyment of the woods.  Each day is an adventure and I can't wait to see what lies in store.

As I write this post, the sun is shining brightly.  That's deceptive, however, because fifteen minutes ago, snow and rain were blowing furiously from the west.  I think I'll wait until we've had good weather for a solid hour, or I'll wait until tomorrow to see what it brings before I take my chances outdoors.

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